Life ideology and entrepreneural motivation
Entrepreneurship, Motivation, Life IdeologyAbstract
Lifestyle entrepreneurship has been recognized as one of the drivers for the emergence of new businesses. Most of the research on this topic focuses on the aspects resulting from entrepreneurial behavior by lifestyle, however, there was a gap to be explored with regard to the identification of the factors that motivate the behavior. Such a study opportunity instigated the following research question: What are the motivational values of entrepreneurs by lifestyle? Therefore, the present article uses concepts originated in the area of Psychology, specifically the hierarchical model of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as a way to provide grounding for research on individual motivators. Thus, it has been identified that lifestyle entrepreneurs are driven by intrinsic motivation (since the activity itself provides a perceived reward), that is, they are stimulated by the aspects of satisfaction and pleasure in favor of an improvement in their quality of life. The qualitative study is based on face-to-face interviews, which were carried out with three entrepreneurs, counting with the help of a semi-structured script. The data resulting from the interviews were submitted to content analysis. This study contributes managerially to the revelation that entrepreneurship by lifestyle offers opportunities for engagement with consumers who share common values.
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