About the Journal

1. Focus and Scope

RACE is a journal classified with Qualis B3 in the area of ​​Public and Business Administration, Accounting Sciences and Tourism, edited by the group of professors and researchers of the Postgraduate Program in Administration Unoesc, recommended by CAPES and affiliated to ANPAD. With a quarterly frequency from 2014, its mission is to publish and promote the debate of scientific studies and quality technical works that contribute to the expansion of knowledge in Administration, Economics and Accounting.

RACE's focus is the publication of studies related to the area of ​​public or private management, especially contemplating the scientific contribution and the understanding of the theme of sustainability in its dimensions: economic, environmental and social. The studies submitted to RACE must have as scope the analysis of the various factors of competitiveness and sustainability of organizations, processes or enterprises.

It aims to publish articles that deepen theories, methods and/or management practices. It also seeks to promote the convergence and dissemination of knowledge on sustainability, housing studies related to Administration, Accounting and Economics.

RACE's main audience is the scientific community in the area of ​​Administration, Accounting, Tourism and Economics. Public and private managers of different social organizations are also considered public in this Journal.

Texts of a merely bibliometric nature will not be accepted. Race will also not publish more than one article/author per year, unless there is an interest in a specific editorial line.

The journal will henceforth publish only articles exogenous to the Institution to which it is linked, except for special editions and respecting the endogenous limits accepted by the scientific community.

RACE Magazine does not charge authors fees.

2. Evaluation Process

The article submitted by the author(s) must be unpublished, following the scope and editorial line of the journal. The first evaluation is carried out by the Journal's editorial board to ensure that the manuscript, before being sent for peer review, meets the requirements of scope, form, textual quality, timeliness and scientific density. Being deficient in any of these senses, the manuscript can be rejected even before peer review, in what is conventionally called "desk reject". The manuscripts that are suitable for these criteria will be submitted to the evaluation of the evaluators.

Once received in the first analysis by the editorial board, the manuscript enters the peer review process. It goes on for review, keeping the name of the author and reviewers omitted during the double blind review process (the author does not know who the reviewer is and the reviewer also does not know who the author is). Reviewers are selected according to their knowledge relevant to the area of ​​the reviewed article and to their degree, seeking peer review. The editorial board strives to keep the majority of evaluators (90%) external to the Institution to which the Journal is linked.

After the evaluation process, three destinations are possible for a manuscript. The first is the advancement, as submitted, to the text editing process. In this case, the manuscript is textually and normatively reviewed to be placed in the publication queue. The second possible destination is the review based on the evaluators' suggestions, aiming to improve the manuscript for its eventual publication. In this case, authors are informed of the necessary changes, given a deadline to carry them out and, if they succeed in making them, they must submit a new version of the text. The editor responsible for the submission analyzes the authors' reply and, based on the demonstrated adequacy capacity, decides whether the text can be published in this new version or whether the submission will be rejected. The third possible destination is the justified rejection of the manuscript, given the perception of the evaluators.

3. Frequency and Format

Format: 16 x 23 cm.

Available only electronically from 2013 onwards.

Frequency: quarterly (from 2014)

4. Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides greater world democratization of knowledge.

5. Journal History

The first edition of the journal was annual and the periodicity was from January to December 2002. The journal remained annual from 2002 to 2005, biannual from 2006 to 2013. Quarterly from 2014. The journal completes 20 years of existence in 2022.

6. Copyright

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons License - Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International, which allows sharing the work with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.


Updated content on January 2022.