Ethical conduct

Evidência is committed to the ethics policy in research, publication of results and in the evaluation process of submitted articles. Decisions on ethical procedures take into account what is set out in the following documents:

a) CNE Resolution n. 466/2012 (Ethics in Research with Humans);

b) Manual of the APA (Editora Penso, 2012);

c) CNPq document - Ethics and integrity in scientific practice (;

d) Guidelines and discussions of the Committee on Publication Ethics. Promoting integrity in research publication (COPE) ( 

Thereby, in the submission of the manuscripts, the following aspects are requested:

a) Articles: In the preliminary analysis, editorial staff and evaluators seek to identify the respect to the ethical norms used in the research. If the manuscript has been submitted to the Ethics Committee (CEP / CONEP system or other system), the authors should mention it in a footnote.

b) Authorship: Authors should take into account the guidelines contained in CNPq's document Ethics and integrity in scientific practice, especially noting the items 17 (only those who lent significant contribution to the work deserve to sign the authorship in a manuscript) and 20 (authors should be able to describe, when requested, their personal contribution to the work).

c) Plagiarism and self-plagiarism: Evidência counts on the CrossCheck system of plagiarism control. Before submitting the article, authors should make sure that all ideas from other authors are properly referenced and that the sources are included in the list of references. With respect to self-plagiarism, it indicates that the article must constitute an original contribution, and, therefore, citations of the author´s previous works should be used when necessary for the understanding of the unpublished article regarding the theory or methodology (APA Manual).