Artisanal ice cream sold in São Luís do Maranhão: a microbiological evaluation


  • Maria Silva Universidade Ceuma
  • Beneylton Gonçalo Silva Carvalho Universidade CEUMA
  • Ricardo Gonçalves Silva Universidade CEUMA
  • Verônica Duarte da Silva Universidade CEUMA
  • Ronald da Silva de Jesus Universidade CEUMA
  • Luiza Catarina Percilio Barros Universidade CEUMA
  • Rayann Pereira Mendes Faculdade Gianna Beretta
  • Augusto Hipolito Chagas Freato Universidade CEUMA
  • Ana Beatriz Furtado Sousa Universidade CEUMA
  • Suzane Katy Rocha Oliveira Universidade CEUMA



Ice cream, coliforms, handmade


Ice cream, as it is a dairy product, can contain nutrients such as proteins, fats, sugars and vitamins, which makes it an excellent substrate for bacterial proliferation. The objective of this research was to microbiologically evaluate artisanal ice creams sold in São Luís - MA. Three samples were collected over a period of two months, in the location of (P1) Terminal Praia Grande, (P2) Praça Mauro Machado and (P3) Portinho in 2019, totaling 6 samples collected in appropriate plastic bags and stored in a Styrofoam box until analyzes were carried out in the UNICEUMA microbiology laboratory. To determine total coliforms and thermotolerant coliforms of fecal origin, the Pour-Plate method was used. The result is expressed as the number of Colony Forming Units (CFU/Ml). The results were compared to legislation standards. The presence of fecal or thermotolerant coliforms in ice cream samples varied in the month of September at the three points in dilutions 10-1 to 10-3 of P1 (1,310x10³ to 8.00x10³ CFU/mL) and P2 (1,250x103 to 2,430x103 UFC/mL), noting that growth varied at points 1 to 3 (formed between 9.20x103 and 4.600x103 UFC/mL), all points are above what is allowed by legislation (1000 UFC/m L RDC no. 12/01 /01). Ice creams are not safe for consumption and are not within Brazilian law. In conclusion, the research revealed unsatisfactory hygienic and sanitary conditions in the majority of artisanal ice cream shops sold in São Luís do Maranhão.


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Author Biographies

Maria Silva, Universidade Ceuma

He supervised and coordinated all stages of the project, from conception to analysis and interpretation of the results, offering technical and academic guidance to the other members of the team.

Beneylton Gonçalo Silva Carvalho, Universidade CEUMA

It helped in the review of literature related to the subject, in the analysis of data and in the interpretation of the results obtained in the microbiological evaluation of ice cream.

Ricardo Gonçalves Silva, Universidade CEUMA

Responsible for collecting ice cream samples and preparing the material for microbiological analysis, as well as taking part in carrying out experiments in the laboratory.

Verônica Duarte da Silva, Universidade CEUMA

Contributed to the statistical analysis of the data collected during the study, as well as the writing and formatting of the final project report.

Ronald da Silva de Jesus, Universidade CEUMA

She collaborated with the bibliographical review on food microbiological evaluation methods, as well as in the drafting of the experimental protocol.

Luiza Catarina Percilio Barros, Universidade CEUMA

She collaborated with the bibliographical review on food microbiological evaluation methods, as well as in the drafting of the experimental protocol.

Rayann Pereira Mendes, Faculdade Gianna Beretta

She helped with the literature review on microbiological evaluation methods evaluation methods, as well as drafting the experimental protocol.

Augusto Hipolito Chagas Freato, Universidade CEUMA

Assisted in writing and revising the scientific article based on the research results, as well as preparing presentations for congresses or seminars.

Ana Beatriz Furtado Sousa, Universidade CEUMA

Assisted in writing and revising the scientific article based on the research results, as well as preparing presentations for congresses or seminars.

Suzane Katy Rocha Oliveira, Universidade CEUMA

She worked closely with her supervisor and the other members of the team, offering specific technical and scientific support for the microbiological analyses carried out in the project.


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How to Cite

Silva, M., Carvalho, B. G. S., Silva, R. G., Silva, V. D. da, Jesus, R. da S. de, Barros, L. C. P., Mendes, R. P., Freato, A. H. C., Sousa, A. B. F., & Oliveira, S. K. R. (2024). Artisanal ice cream sold in São Luís do Maranhão: a microbiological evaluation. Evidence, 24(Ed. Especial), e34552.



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