Biodiesel separation and purification methods: a review


  • Sirlei Marques Paschoal UEM
  • Mariane Borges Gheller UTFPR
  • Maria Carolina Sérgi Gomes UTFPR
  • Juliana Guerra Sgorlon UTFPR
  • Milena Andrade UTFPR



wet washing, dry washing, membranes


Due to the regulations imposed by National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), biodiesel purification stage is extremely important for the final product to be marketed as biofuel. Among the existing methods for free glycerol and other contaminants removal from biodiesel, the water-wash method is currently the most common and applied industrially. However, due to the wastewater generation with wet purification, several studies have been developed in order to propose new alternatives to this process. Thus, this paper presents an overview of different techniques published in the literature that have been applied for biodiesel separation and purification, which were listed in wet purification (water -wash method), dry purification (adsorption and ion-exchange resins methods) and membrane separation methods.


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How to Cite

Paschoal, S. M., Gheller, M. B., Gomes, M. C. S., Sgorlon, J. G., & Andrade, M. (2024). Biodiesel separation and purification methods: a review. Evidence, 24, e34125.


