Cytototoxic and genotoxic effect of Sedum praealtum A. DC. – crassulaceae




Medicinal plants, Allelopathic effect, Chromosomal aberrations


Medicinal plants are extensively used in Brazil; among them stands out the Sedum praealtum A. DC. (balsam), Crassulaceae, used for inflammatory and gastrointestinal problems. However, most medicinal plants have not been studied enough, especially regarding their toxicological potential. Thus, this study is aimed at evaluating the cytotoxic and genotoxic of said species, using Lactuca sativa L. (lacttuce), Asteraceaeas, a test organism. Aqueous extracts of the leaves and stem of the balsam were prepared at concentrations of 5%, 10%, 20%, and 40% p v-¹, and the control was carried out with distilled water only. The germination test was performed with lettuce seeds in a Gerbox® box with Germitest® paper substrate moistened with each treatment, placed in a BOD chamber at a temperature of 25ºC with a 12-hour light regime. Germination evaluation occurred on the fourth and seventh day after sowing. The collection of the rootlets was performed daily up to the seventh day to determine the mitotic index and to observe chromosomal aberrations. The crushing technique was used for making the slides, with Giemsa staining at 2%. The cells were observed under an optical microscope, in which 5,000 cells were analyzed for each treatment. The germination test verified that the aqueous extracts of the leaves and stem of the balm do not interfere with the germinative index or in the germination velocity rate, demonstrating the absence of an allelopathic effect. As for the mitotic index, there are no changes with the extracts from the leaves, while with the extract from the stem at a concentration of 10%, the reduction occurred in the mitotic index, also differing between the blocks, stem, and leaves. Anaphasic bridges appeared in the extract from the stem at 20% concentration and loss of whole chromosomes in the stem extract at 40% concentration. The extracts of the leaves and stem of Sedum praealtum do not have an allelopathic effect, but it does show an antiproliferative and genotoxic effect.


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How to Cite

Brol, A., Grotto, A. G. ., Zaions, M. I. M. ., & Bagatini, K. P. . (2022). Cytototoxic and genotoxic effect of Sedum praealtum A. DC. – crassulaceae. Evidence, 22(1), 25–36.


