Call for papers
Aiming to improve and expand our journal, around one month ago we announced many modifications to our website and workflow, intending to provide a more pleasant and efficient experience for everyone. Positive effects were already noticed in the number of visits and reads, but we want to go further – and, for this, we are counting with our main contributors: the authors.
Thus, we would like to invite all to submit manuscripts to Evidence, experimenting in first hand all the improvements we prepared for 2022, among which we highlight:
- Site relaunch: besides more appealing, the website now is more organized and complete, making it easier to access information on the journal, the UNOESC Biosciences and Health post-graduation course, and to published works and their citations through the integration with Google Scholar;
- Easier submission process: the instructions for the authors were completely reformulated, focusing on simplicity and agility;
- Optimized review process: the workflow of our editors was restructured aiming to provide more efficiency to contact reviewers, shortening the time between submission and publication.
Favoring the reach of the published works, we still offering the following advantages to our authors:
- Continuous publication: works are made available as Ahead of Print shortly affter acceptance, with no need to wait for a new issue;
- Digital Object Identifier (DOI): a DOI is associated with the published work as soon as it is made available, making it easier to cite;
- Open Access: published works are freely available to the entire community – and not only the readers are spared from costs, as there are no fees associated with any stage of the submission, review, or publication process.
As a journal focused in the interdisciplinary field, we accept works focused towards the most varied subjects within the Health and Life Sciences, and we hope to have the pleasure of counting with your contributions in this moment of improvement and expansion of our journal!
Best regards,
Aline Pertile Remor, Ph.D., Editor in Chief
Marcos Freitas Cordeiro, Ph.D., Adjunct Editor