The tutelage of the right to privacy in the information society
Intimacy, Privacy, Society, TechnologyAbstract
The research shows the historical evolution of the society to the actual moment to trace the necessary plan of understanding of the application and concept of the rights to privacy and intimacy, and to discover ways to resolve the conflict between the right to privacy and social security. Until being characterized as a fundamental right, privacy went through evolutions gaining edges of a right more essential over time, especially in a technological society, in which the evolutions occur in a faster manner and the relations develop in an ephemeral way. With this evolution, the treatment of this rights became more sensitive and unique. Passing through the positivation of these rights and arriving at the limitations that they can – and should – have, it is understood how they are of an essential value to the functioning of the current social contract, both in the sense of individual protection and in the of the society as an active body.
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