Proposal of revitalization of the Vitória Event Center in Videira – SC
Culture, Confort, Presentations, EventsAbstract
An event center is the specialized venue for performing the most diverse cultural and artistic activities, providing them for the entire population. The Vitória Event Center (CEVI) is the main building for the encouragement of culture in the city of Videira (SC). In this space there are musical performances and artistic exhibitions. It also provide the population of the city music and drawing classes. This paper aims to analyze the existing building and surroundings in search of solutions that can improve its functioning and uses. The necessary knowledge about this type of building was obtained through research in theoretical references, as well as case studies of architectural works that promote cultural activities. In a second moment, there was the field research with the visitation and survey of potentialities and deficiencies of the CEVI building. It was checked that the space has not been properly maintained in recent years, as its structure has pathologies and does not provide adequate thermal and acoustic comfort for students and staff.
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