Market study to the implementation of seeds analyses laboratory at Unoesc from Campos Novos


  • Alessandra Borges
  • Tamara Pereira Felício UNOESC
  • Juglans Aimi Severo UNOESC
  • Camila Camargo Aguiar UNOESC
  • Tadiane Regina Popp


Quality of seeds, Market analysis, Purity, Soy


The increase in seed production in Santa Catarina has generated an increase of the worry with the physiological quality, however, there are few seeds analyses laboratories (LAS) in Santa Catarina in relation to market potential. This way, the objective of this assignment is to analyze the viability of implementation of LAS at Unoesc, campus from Campos Novos. The market research was carried out through a questionnaire applied to nine possible clients and the bibliographic research consisted in the search for materials of scientific base for understanding the subject. The study results showed that in Santa Catarina there are four LAS working and that the main competitor include 67% of seeds analysis market. In counterpart, 70% of the people who answered are much interested in using the future LAS Unoesc and 80% produce soy seeds to a greater degree. The analyses of purity and germination were the most requested, in function of the requirements for seeds trading. Then, it’s safe to say that the most part of the interviewed enterprises which has head office set in Campos Novos are interested in LAS services, and these enterprises show demand for analyses offered.


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How to Cite

Borges, A., Felício, T. P., Severo, J. A., Aguiar, C. C., & Popp, T. R. (2020). Market study to the implementation of seeds analyses laboratory at Unoesc from Campos Novos. Unoesc & Ciência - ACET, 10(2), 107–114. Retrieved from