Architecture projects in the health area: Places for waste storage
Places for waste storage
Architecture projects in the health area, Health care waste, Places for waste storage in health facilitiesAbstract
This subject aimed at determining how places for waste storage in health facilities should be designed, according to Anvisa’s regulations. Through bibliographic research, three schematic sketches were developed, with the minimum guidelines to be followed by the designers. This way, the context the places for waste storage are inserted and the type and demand of the waste must be observed, as well as the architecture of others sectors and workflows and others factors, and after that, predict a situation for each health establishment. It’s considered a conceptual design error repeating a waste shelter pattern to any health care establishment, without preliminary analyzes. It’s highlighted that this is a subject that hasn't already been addressed and is mainly based on RDC 222 (AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE VIGILÂNCIA SANITÁRIA, 2018), which is a recent resolution of September 2018.
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