Production of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) Submitted to plant densities with different types of rizomes
Density of planting, Dry mass, Types of rhizomesAbstract
Turmeric is a plant species with potential for use in the food industry, currently many studies have focused on maximizing the use of turmeric in products with potential for the economic market. The objective of this study was to evaluate the productivity of Curcuma longa L. submitted to planting densities with different types of rhizomes, in the municipality of Maravilha - SC. The experiment was cultivated in beds, treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design, in a factorial scheme (3x4), and one factor was the density of planting with 03 densities with 2.77; 5,55 and 11,11 rhizomes/m2, plot area is 1.44 m2, being composed by density of 27,700; 55.500 and 111.100 rhizomes/ha. The other factor was the rhizome type, where it was composed of 04 different types of sizes rhizomes (mother rhizome, middle rhizome, cut rhizome and small rhizome) with fertilization according to the need recommended in the soil analysis. Tiller counts were determined per plant, total number of viable plants per hectare, dry and green mass of the rhizome, and total. It was also carried out the determination of the height of plants in the vegetative phase (120 days after planting) and the count of plants in the vegetative phase. The results obtained in the experiment were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) by the F test (P≤0.05). It is concluded that the rhizome type directly influences the final productivity, emphasizing that it should preferentially be used mothers or medium rhizomes. Saffron planting should be done using higher planting densities, which allows optimizing the area and increasing productivity.
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