Preventive maintenance plan for dental chairs of the clinic of the west University of Santa Catarina


  • Jair Bussacaro Unoesc
  • José Carlos Azzolini UNOESC


Maintenance plan, Dental chair, Ontological clinic


This work was developed based on the internship activities carried out at a University that offers the Dentistry course. The objective of the present study was to develop a Preventive Maintenance Plan to be implemented in the maintenance of the dental chairs of a clinic. In order to achieve this objective, we used documentary research to obtain information on materials already made up of books, documents and manuals, and to collect data through unstructured interviews with clinic and maintenance technicians. Based on the analyzes, it was verified that the institution does not have a defined maintenance plan. For this purpose, a set of inspection plans was elaborated, where each professional will have his / her responsibilities regarding the prevention of failures of dental chairs. With the implementation of the planned preventive maintenance plan, the teaching institution will have greater control of the clinic equipment with regard to minimizing failures and increasing the useful life of dental chairs, reducing the chances of breakage during use.


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Author Biography

José Carlos Azzolini, UNOESC

Área das Ciências  Exatas e da Terra - ACET


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How to Cite

Bussacaro, J., & Azzolini, J. C. (2019). Preventive maintenance plan for dental chairs of the clinic of the west University of Santa Catarina. Unoesc & Ciência - ACET, 10(1), 39–50. Retrieved from