Incorporation of foundry sand waste in hot asfaltics mixtures: evaluation of components present in solubilization water and mechanical behavior


  • Rodrigo Limana Salla
  • Gislaine Luvizão


Casting Sand Residue, Marshall dosage, Chemical compounds


The foundry process is one of the world's leading waste generators, known as Foundry Sand Residue (RAF). Given this reason the great concern in the re-use of this material in a non-aggressive way to the environment. The present study has as objective to evaluate chemically the components present in the water of solubilization of the various asphalt mixtures hot machined with addition of RAF. The dosage was performed by the Marshall method, using five levels of asphalt petroleum cement (CAP). From the standard trace the optimum CAP content of 4.9% was found for the blend. The percentage of foundry sand residue used was 10%, this amount was substituted for the stone powder. The chemical results for Lead, Copper, Chrome and Zinc were satisfactory because the values ​​were above the normalized, however, it was verified a change above the limit in the compound Iron. The values ​​obtained for the phenols of the standard sample were higher than those stipulated by the standard NBR 10004 (ABNT, 2004), since the samples containing RAF resulted in values ​​below the normalized, so that the residue could have aided in the stabilization process of the phenols of the samples . Thus, reuse of RAF is indicated for asphalt mixtures, however, for its use, a broad chemical analysis of the waste must be carried out in order to prevent environmental problems.


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How to Cite

Salla, R. L., & Luvizão, G. (2019). Incorporation of foundry sand waste in hot asfaltics mixtures: evaluation of components present in solubilization water and mechanical behavior. Unoesc & Ciência - ACET, 10(1), 15–24. Retrieved from