Overview of the collection of empty packaging of pesticides in Brazil and South of Brazil


  • Maria Fernanda Oliveira da Silva UNIPLAC, Lages, SC.
  • Larissa Morello UNIPLAC, Lages, SC
  • Ana Emília Siegloch UNIPLAC, Lages, SC.
  • Lenita Agostinetto Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC)


InPEV, Reverse logistic, Pesticides, Leavings


The objective of this work was to analyze the current scenario of the collection of empty pesticide packaging in Brazil and in the Southern region of the country since the foundation of the National Institute the Processing of Empty Packaging of pesticides (inPEV). This was a quantitative, descriptive and documental research based on the analysis of inPEV sustainability reports published and available on the Institute's website. The reports published during the period from 2002 to 2016 were analyzed. The evolution of the collection of empty packaging, the number of collecting centers and collecting stations of empty pesticides packaging in Brazil and in the South region of the country were analyzed. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and later correlated. The results obtained showed that from 2002 to 2016 more than 400 thousand tons of empty pesticides packages were collected in Brazil, with a collection evolution in this period of 91.5%. The region has also presented evolution in the collection of empty packaging since 2002, when inPEV was founded, and represents 27% of the total empty packaging collected in the country. A significant and positive correlation was observed between the evolution of the number of stations (r = 0.61) and central (r = 0.80) of collection of empty pesticides packages in the country with the volume collected. So, for us to continue to be a world reference in the collection and processing of these packages, it is necessary that the reverse logistics process continues to operate effectively in all sectors of the use and production chain of pesticides.


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How to Cite

Silva, M. F. O. da, Morello, L., Siegloch, A. E., & Agostinetto, L. (2020). Overview of the collection of empty packaging of pesticides in Brazil and South of Brazil. Unoesc & Ciência - ACET, 10(2), 115–124. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unoesc.edu.br/acet/article/view/17936