Reproductive phenology of Cereus hildmannianus K. Schum. (Cactaceae)
Floral Button, Before and, Fruiting, Tuna, Vegetables productionAbstract
Cereus hildmannianus K. Schum is a native Cactaceae from southern Brazil that occurs in rocky outcrops and with potential for commercial use of its fruit. However, one of its obstacles to its commercial use is a lack of knowledge about the phenology of the species. Thus, the objective was to know the preliminary aspects about the transition from vegetative to reproductive phenological phases of Cereus hildmannianus. Ten individuals of Cereus were demarcated on February 18, 2018. Cereus hildmannianus individuals that flower bud and anthesis of November to fruits, immature fruits not grown in January and February, immature fruits grown in February and the presence of a fruit on the ground in June was verified. By the time of follow up (February 2019) ripe strawberry was verified. Phenological events have a high incidence around information, showing low dispersion in relation to its cause. High timing is not important for immature fruits in January and February. A temperature change occurred with vegetative phenophases, flower bud, anthesis and unripe immature fruits. Thus it can be indicated that the fruits can be harvested from a date or a week, even without the low productivity of the reproductive structures.
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