The part of a multidisciplinary team in improving the quality of life of patients in terminal life stage with focus on palliative care


  • Gabriela Pulga Unoesc
  • Letícia Cassol
  • Mireli Amaral
  • Adriana Graziele de Farias Januário
  • Nadiane Feldkercher
  • Tânia Maria dos Santos Nodari


Paliativism. Interdisciplinarity. Terminal phase. Caution. Attention.


Multidisciplinarity in the context of palliative care involves more than the doctor in the center of attention and care. This article objectified to contemplate several aspects related to care for terminally ill patients, focusing on interdisciplinary work. In addition to promoting a reflection to health professionals about the decision making in an integrated and effective way in teamwork. This is a retrospective study, carried out based on bibliographical research in the Portal of CAPES Journals. Initially, fourteen studies were analyzed, excluding those that did not emphasize the theme of multidisciplinary integration among health professionals, thus, five articles and a dissertation were used. According to the studies, it has been observed that palliatism is a science that has been conceptualized recently and does not pretend to cure, but that seeks to provide comfort and mitigate the symptoms of the patient and the suffering of their relatives. In addition, the importance of the care team assists in making effective decisions, although in the surveys it was verified that there is no commitment to full functioning and that there is a need for technological advances in the area and specific training for professionals. Dialogue and cooperation among all involved is very important to achieve the goals that are intended when thinking about palliative care. It is very important that there is more investments, professional training and more focused studies in the practice of the doctor, because the few studies that exist, focus on the nurse's attention and care.


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How to Cite

Pulga, G., Cassol, L., Amaral, M., Januário, A. G. de F., Feldkercher, N., & Nodari, T. M. dos S. (2020). The part of a multidisciplinary team in improving the quality of life of patients in terminal life stage with focus on palliative care. Unoesc & Ciência - ACBS, 10(2), 163–168. Retrieved from