The student's motivation as evidence of spiritual dimension of human being: the action to study and the vita activa



Motivation to Study, Social Psychology of Education, Political and Social Psychology, Vita Activa, Spiritual Dimension of the Human Being


After the 1960s, with the release of the Coleman report, the interest of governments, researchers and universities over the influence of socio-economic variables on academic performance of students grew, to the point where most of the studies about the determinants of school performance correlates income, schooling, quality of employment, and other characteristics of parents, with performance of students. Still, the most recent research shows that some characteristics of students, such as their motivation, greatly influence their reading and study activities at school and at home and, consequently, ultimately influence their performance. This preliminary study proposes a simplified model of human being, regarding its capacity for learning and creativity, which can be used later for an analysis of the influences of the teacher's performance on the Motivation of the Students and, consequently, on their school performance. The method used here is eminently the review of literature, on propositions over the human being, typical of the 20th century, carried out on the works of Arendt (2007) and Scheler (2003), from which it is composed a simplified model. It is preliminarily concluded on the validity of the model here presented, from which a complex investigation about the influence of the teacher on motivation will be constructed later.


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Author Biography

Illyushin Zaak Saraiva, Instituto Federal Catarinense - Campus Luzerna

Professor Illyushin Zaak Saraiva
Departamento de Desenvolvimento Educacional
Instituto Federal Catarinense, Campus Luzerna


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How to Cite

Saraiva, I. Z. (2020). The student’s motivation as evidence of spiritual dimension of human being: the action to study and the vita activa. Unoesc & Ciência - ACBS, 10(2), 155–162. Retrieved from