Anurofauna in fragment of the forest in the City of Joaçaba, SC


  • Alan Plizzari
  • Jessica Mascarelo
  • Augusto Perosa
  • Fernanda Maurer D´'Agostini UNOESC


Anurofauna, Species richness., Fragment of forest


The fragmentation of the forest and the loss of natural habitats drastically reduces the population of anurans, therefore, detailed studies of the composition of anurans inhabiting different microhabitats are fundamental to adopt environmental conservation measures. The present work had as objective to study the composition of the anurofauna, as well as its distribution and use of the environment in a forest remnant located between the Campi 1 and 2 of Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina (Unoesc) Joaçaba. During the months of August to May, species of anurans were sampled by means of fall traps, visual search and identification through vocalization. In the study area were 12 species belonging to five families: Bufonidae, Cycloramphidae, Hylidae, Leiuperidae and Ranidae. The applied statistical analysis showed a significant difference between the sampling points, thus confirming the specificity of some species for environments and microenvironments favorable to their reproduction and feeding. The presence of species not registered by other works in the South of the Country, and the presence of exotic species in the study area, emphasizes the importance of conservation of this highly degraded biome and demonstrates the lack of knowledge about the ananfauna of Santa Catarina.


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Author Biography

Fernanda Maurer D´'Agostini, UNOESC

Bióloga formada pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Especialista em Sistemática e Biodiversidade Animal (PUCRS), Mestre em Biociências (PUCRS) e Doutora em Zoologia (PUCRS). Atualmente trabalho na linha de pesquisa Biologia de agentes infectocontagiosos da UNOESC.


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How to Cite

Plizzari, A., Mascarelo, J., Perosa, A., & D´’Agostini, F. M. (2020). Anurofauna in fragment of the forest in the City of Joaçaba, SC. Unoesc & Ciência - ACBS, 10(2), 107–114. Retrieved from