Traumatic spinal cord injury: biopsychosocial changes and their consequences


  • Cintia Soligo
  • Amanda Angonese Sebben


Traumatic spinal cord injury, Biopsychosocial aspects


Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury is defined as a chronic disease of the most disabling, as its injuries are permanent and irreversible, resulting in biopsychosocial interference in the life of the affected individual. Through this research, it was sought to verify what were the changes suffered by victims of traumatic spinal cord injury in face of their new reality of life, analyzing how the accident has affected the lives of people who have experienced a traumatic spinal cord injury. For this we carried out a qualitative research through a script with semistructured interview. In this research a total of four people participated, which were chosen for convenience, using as criteria that they have been injured in a period of three to ten years and they are in the younger age group between twenty to forty years old residing in SC West region. For data analysis, it was used content analysis, according to Bardin (2000). Through the stories of the people interviewed it is noticed that the more independent the injured people were in their daily lives, the more they can have a positive view of the situation in which they find themselves. Therefore, the fact of having become a paraplegic or a tetraplegic, becomes permeated by the experience of limitations, dependencies, feelings and reactions in the biopsychosocial aspects that have an extreme meaning in their lives.


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How to Cite

Soligo, C., & Sebben, A. A. (2019). Traumatic spinal cord injury: biopsychosocial changes and their consequences. Unoesc & Ciência - ACBS, 10(1), 67–74. Retrieved from