Perception of Maslow's motivational factors in the organizational context


  • Ivonez Xavier de Almeida UNOESC
  • Franciel Levi Schelske Unoesc
  • Ardinete Rover Unoesc


Motivation, Motivational Factors, Theory of Needs of Maslow


The article set out to identify at what level the motivational factors described by Abraham Maslow are perceived in a given organization. Initially they were related to the characteristics of each level of the Pyramid with the environment inside and outside the context of the work. The company chosen to conduct the research is located in the west of Santa Catarina and has as main activity the supermarket trade. The research instrument used was a questionnaire structured and applied in employees that occupy leadership positions in that this organization. The population comprised 45 leaders and the final sample was composed by (forty) respondents. The most relevant results of the research point to a general satisfaction in all motivational factors evaluated, being only the Remuneration factor (which integrates the level of security needs), which had higher divergence of opinions. The levels related to social and cherish needs presented the best results in relation to the sample studied. The conclusion, this scope of this sample, that there is a high satisfaction regarding the perception of the motivational factors among the group of leaders of the evaluated organization.


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How to Cite

de Almeida, I. X., Schelske, F. L., & Rover, A. (2019). Perception of Maslow’s motivational factors in the organizational context. Unoesc & Ciência - ACSA, 10(1), 37–44. Retrieved from