Value training in the context of Basic Education


  • Ester Rauk Berto
  • Marco André Serighelli


Values, Citizenship, Education Basic


The present work deals with the formation of values ​​in the classroom, promoting the practice of citizenship during the proposed activities, as a subsidy for the construction of more critical, ethical and moral individuals. Its main objective was precisely to promote the formation of values ​​in the context of basic education, with the purpose of sensitizing them from the first years of life to walking their paths within essential values ​​so that they can live and live in the best possible way in society, acting with justice and respect towards your neighbor. The practices presented here were carried out during the supervised stage of the Pedagogy course applied in two classes, one of kindergarten and another in the initial years of elementary school. The obtained results surpassed the expectations, being possible this by the constant participation of the students during the period of accomplishment of the proposed activities. The students expressed curiosity and attention to everything that was constructed, continually questioning. It is worth remembering that this work is only a starting point in the search for the objective results that will certainly occur in the long term, lacking that the formation of values ​​is developed daily inside and outside the walls of the school institution, necessitating an involvement of all its participants to to follow up the experiences during the period of the internships.


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How to Cite

Berto, E. R., & Serighelli, M. A. (2020). Value training in the context of Basic Education. Unoesc & Ciência - ACHS, 10(2), 79–86. Retrieved from