Digital technologies: implications in human development


  • Fernanda Aparecida Silva Dias


Learning, Human being, Digital technologies


It aims to reflect the educational problems and potentials caused by the digital technologies in the binomial progress and human development. It is a qualitative theoretical research. Considering the diversity and the uncontrolled dissemination of information, the challenge is to put in perspective the knowledge construction capable of promoting meaningful learning and human development with freedom, to overcome the capitalist and consumerist logic. There is an urgent need of a new education and learning vision, which makes possible the coexistence vision, learning processes integrated by the use of new digital technologies, which enable cooperation, collaboration, knowledge and human development.


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How to Cite

Silva Dias, F. A. (2019). Digital technologies: implications in human development. Unoesc & Ciência - ACHS, 10(1), 49–54. Retrieved from