Subjectivities of Contemporary human beings: education and work


  • Araceli Girardi Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina-Unoesc


Education, Job, Human being, Capitalism


The text presents reflections on the relationship between work and education based on the changes and transformations that have occurred in recent decades. The theme of work and education in Brazil needs a broader understanding according to the political, economic and social context constituted in different historical periods. The research, based on theoretical references, has Saviani's contributions (2007) as its main source. The school, in the context of the formation of the subject, adopts characteristics close to the characteristics developed by the productive models, permeated by ideas and interests of the capitalist system linked to the mischaracterization of the social function of the school, of education and of the main educational purposes.


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How to Cite

Girardi, A. (2020). Subjectivities of Contemporary human beings: education and work. Unoesc & Ciência - ACHS, 10(2), 149–156. Retrieved from